Harlem Wellness

Harlem Wellness Center (HWC) is a one of a kind community-inspired health and wellness organization on a mission to educate, motivate and support lifelong healthy living practices in Harlem, NY. HWC categorizes programming in three areas. 1) Community Health 2) Community Nutrition and Education 3) Outreach and Partnership Projects. HWC programs offer a multi-faceted approach to health and wellness that include all levels yoga, fitness, nutrition education, mindfulness, personal development, bodywork, health seminars, 1-3 day urban and country retreats, and wellness circles. HWC makes otherwise non-local, high-cost, holistic wellness resources and activities accessible and affordable in the neighborhood where our target population lives. Our program targets lower wealth, urban communities predominantly of color, dealing with the highest life stressors and significantly higher rates (than the general population) of health issues. By targeting the people facing the highest health risks, HWC aims to disrupt a longstanding upward pattern towards avoidable, unjust adult onset diseases (diabetes, obesity, hypertension, CAD) prevalent in communities such as Harlem and the Bronx.

Harlem Wellness Center (HWC) believes that good health is foundational for reaching one’s highest potential and aspirations. Individuals are fortified with greater self awareness, self-empowerment, self-esteem and best definition of self to pursue their dreams. Sustained balance, and wellness of the body, mind and spirit is an integral part of reaching one’s goals because it enables the growth and hope of individuals, families and communities. HWC employs a team of highly qualified community-minded teachers to help accomplish our objective. The highest expression of the HWC vision is to promote a health-conscious community of residents engaged in holistic living practices that fortify body, mind and soul wellness.

Website and Donation Link: http://harlemwellness.org/supporters-service

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